8 Ways to Improve Sleep While Pregnant

As an expecting mom, getting as much rest as you can is important because, let’s get real, pregnancy is HARD. It takes a lot out of you, yet you have to remain well and rested to ensure the health of yourself and your baby.

But one of the issues many pregnant moms have is becoming comfortable enough to sleep. The good news is we have some tips for you that will help you sleep better and feel well rested.

1. Choose a Comfortable Sleeping Position

Getting comfortable in bed is one of the issues that lead to pregnancy-related insomnia. It’s best to sleep on your side so that your kidney function is improved. Sleeping on your left side is also good for the blood flow to the baby and preventing acid reflux in your sleep.

There is a myth that says if you’re prone to right side sleeping, you’re having a girl. If you’re prone to left side sleeping, it’s a boy. Note that this is just a myth. Instead of relying on this, you can opt for a sneak peek gender reveal using DNA to find out the gender of your baby.

While sleeping on your left side, place a pillow between your knees if you aren’t comfortable.

If you find that sleeping on your back is better, place a pillow under your lower back during the first trimester. After the first trimester, doctors recommend that you stop sleeping on your back and sleep on your side instead.

2. Switch Around Your Bedtime Routine

It takes time to adjust to a new bedtime routine. That’s why it’s good to start making the change during the first trimester. Some things you can do to get ready for bed include:

  • Taking a warm bath

  • Not looking at your phone before you go to sleep

  • Writing down your thoughts and worries in a journal

  • Keeping your bedroom dark

  • Reading a book

  • Going to bed the same time every night

  • Exercising during the day

  • Make sure the room temperature is comfortable

The last things you want to do is eat or drink in bed, ingest caffeine during the evening, watch TV, take evening naps, and eating heavy evening meals two hours before going to bed.

3. Reduce Liquid Intake

It’s important to your health and the baby’s to drink plenty of water. However, drinking too much water too late can increase the number of trips to the bathroom throughout the night. Cutting out fluid intake before bed will make sure you don’t have to urinate as often.

4. Combat Morning Sickness

Although it’s called “morning sickness,” it happens at all hours during the day. Applying pressure below the wrist on the inner forearm is one way to help nausea. Another is aromatherapy. You can also take Ginger supplements, teas, and chews. Most of all, eating a healthy diet that is void of processed sugars, grease, and hot spices will help keep morning sickness to a minimum.

5. Remedy Breast Soreness

A hot shower or bath, loose-fitting clothes, and doctor-approved pain relievers can help you deal with breast tenderness that makes sleeping difficult.

6. Headache Relief

Tension headaches are common during pregnancy because they are the result of changes in hormones and weight. Scalp massages, rest, neck massages, and hot or cold packs can help these headaches. Don’t take any medication unless your doctor says it’s safe.

7. Eat a Healthy Diet

Healthy foods help you stay fuller longer. Some of the best foods to eat while pregnant include:

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Cooked eggs

  • Legumes

  • Leafy greens, especially broccoli

  • Lean meats

  • Berries

  • Dried fruit

  • Avocados

  • Water

  • Caffeine-free beverages

  • Lots of water

  • Whole grains

Avoid anything that is undercooked, seafood that is high in mercury (albacore tuna, swordfish, shark, and king mackerel), caffeine, alcohol, unpasteurized milk and juices, and unwashed produce.

8. Get Your Anxiety Under Control

4D ultrasounds and early gender DNA testing are great tools for putting your mind at ease during the pregnancy. You can also maintain a healthy sleep schedule, exercise, keep a journal, and do breathing exercises to put your worries at ease.

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