How 4D Ultrasounds Help You Plan for Baby

Planning is a very important part of life and a 4D ultrasound with elective gender determination can help you make plans for the future by knowing whether or not you are having a girl, boy, or both. First, you are able to emotionally invest in the baby beforehand. Second, knowing baby’s gender lets you figure out how you want to decorate the nursery, what clothes to buy, and what baby items to buy that coincides with the baby’s gender. A lot can be planned when you find out baby’s gender.

At My Baby You’ll Be 4D, our SneakPeek Clinical allows you to find out the gender as early as 8 weeks via a DNA test that is 99.1% accurate. If you wish to wait to find out during a 4D ultrasound, that’s fine too!

Revealing The Gender Can Go Further

Revealing the gender can actually go further than what to buy, what to name your baby, or how you are going to decorate the nursery.

Think about this:

While this might seem somewhat morbid, knowing your baby’s gender and what you are going to name your baby can help you do things like put a proper guardian in place in case of an emergency, start a savings account for college, or plan for your future income tax filings.

The Benefits of Early Gender Determination

Aside from early planning for you, early gender determination also does the following:

  1. Helps your friends and family buy more accurate gifts

  2. Helps you bond with the baby before birth

  3. Allows you to start calling baby by his or her name before birth

Then, of course, there are benefits that are specific to you. Everyone has their own reasons for using 4D ultrasounds. What’s important is that this option is open to you and My Baby You’ll Be 4D in Barboursville, WV (but serving moms to be around Charleston, WV; Huntington, WV; Ashland, KY; and Ironton, OH.) is the place to go when you want the best staff, best equipment, and the best experience. Book Now online or contact us with any questions you might have..

Let's Talk About Morning Sickness

Morning sickness during pregnancy is perfectly normal. In fact, it is one of the first telltale signs of pregnancy. Many women will take the pregnancy test because they’re feeling a little “green.” It’s common to start feeling sick between six and eight weeks because this is when the pregnancy hCG is really starting to climb. This hormone helps build the placenta. At the same time, estrogen kicks into high gear. The hormone changes are so rapid that mom simply feels sick.

This usually starts to go away during the second trimester, but some women feel sick during the entire pregnancy because of sensitivity to hormones.

Here are some ways to deal with morning sickness:

  1. Allow yourself additional time to get up in the mornings so you can get out of bed slowly. It’s good to keep some crackers, dry cereal, or even Ginger gum on your nightstand.

  2. Eat small meals throughout the day. Don’t let yourself get too hungry or get too full.

  3. Drink plenty of fluids.

  4. Rest, but don’t nap after a meal because this can increase the nausea.

  5. Don’t eat spicy or greasy foods. They just make it worse.

Morning sickness might seem hopeless, but the truth is that it isn’t. You can effectively manage it so you can function from day-to-day.

5 Pregnancy Myths Debunked

Pregnancy myths bring about a lot of anxiety in expectant moms. That’s why we need to debunk some of those myths. The last thing you need is unnecessary anxiety during one of the happiest times of your life.

So here we go:

Myth 1: Pregnant Women Should Avoid Stress

Women used to be told to avoid stress, but research has shown that it’s not necessarily bad for the fetus. A mild to moderate amount of stress actually accelerates the fetus’s nervous system development. In one study, the two-week old infants of moderately stressed moms were compared to the two-week old infants of stress-free moms and the babies of moms that were stressed during pregnancy had brains that worked at a faster speed.

Myth 2: Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Eat Seafood

Smarter kids come from moms that eat seafood that is low in mercury and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that the children of moms that ate at least 12 ounces of seafood a week during pregnancy have higher IQ levels, better motor skills, and even better social and communication skills.

Myth 3: Bed Rest Prevents Miscarriage

20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage without any explanation. Sometimes, a miscarriage is from a genetic abnormality that is no one’s fault. These are pregnancies that are doomed the moment conception happens. bed rest does nothing to change this outcome.

Myth 4: Heart Rate Determines Baby’s Gender

Many people believe that the fetal heart rate is an indicator of gender. Some people think that if the heart rate is faster, it’s a girl and, if the heart rate is slower, it’s a boy. There are only two ways the baby’s gender can be determined - amniocentesis and ultrasound. We do gender sneak peek DNA Testing as early as 8 weeks so you don’t have to wait longer than you want or need to. We even carry gender reveal party supplies.

Myth 5: Avoid Exercise While Pregnant

Babies benefit when their moms exercise. Research shows that babies born to women who exercised regularly during pregnancy had slower heart rates, lower birth weights, and even had higher IQs because their brains get bigger.

So, don’t worry about some of the old ways of thinking. The research is there and shows that these things are myths. Now that you know they’re myths, get out there and eat some seafood, get some exercise, and don’t stress yourself out more by avoiding a moderate amount of stress. In other words, live it up while you’re pregnant. You just might end up with a fit honor student.

Pregnancy Must-Haves

We’re going to cut to the chase. There are some pregnancy must-haves that will make your pregnancy a lot easier (aside from the 4D ultrasound that will give you peace of mind and the opportunity to see your baby in a unique way).

Those things are:

  • A firm mattress because a bad mattress is a pain (literally)

  • Pregnancy pillow (trust us on this one)

  • Nightgowns

  • Body lotion

  • Stretch mark cream

  • Soaps, face masks, body scrubs, and anything you like that makes you feel good

  • Heating pad

  • Supportive flip flops for swollen feet

  • A large hydroflask

  • Comfy PJs

  • Yoga ball

  • Leggings

  • Labor gown so you are comfy and look great while in labor

  • Arnica for muscle pain

  • Ginger flavored gum for nausea

  • Candles

  • Essential oils and a diffuser

  • Yoga pants - you don’t have to get maternity so you can wear them after pregnancy

The goal here is to make you feel lovely and comfortable. These items will help you. If there is anything you can add the list, go for it. Your comfort is a priority.

Fetal Movement During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is hard, but nothing can rob you of the joy of feeling your little one punch, kick, wriggle, or even hiccup.

Yes, we know those 3 a.m. hiccups are both adorable and irritating to a tired mom-to-be. Just be glad it isn’t heartburn.

Those movements mean that the life growing inside of you is energetic and full of life.

Common Fetal Movement Questions

Fetal movement can cause moms to have a lot of questions about what’s going on inside. You might me wondering:

  • Is baby moving enough?

  • Is baby moving too much?

  • Does my baby have three arms and four legs (because it feels like it)?

  • Is this much movement driving up my baby’s heart rate in a negative way?

These are all good questions. The truth is, all babies are different. They move differently and make you feel doubts you don’t want to feel. Every baby is going to move more than another or less. As long as there is movement, there is good news.

As far as your baby having multiple limbs. There’s a good chance an ultrasound would pick that up by now. If ever in doubt, you can ask your doctor. You can also come in and see us for a 4D ultrasound that gives you peace of mind and a keepsake.

Take a Look When In Doubt

Any time you get an ultrasound, medically or as an elective, you receive peace of mind. There’s nothing like being able to see your little one. If he or she is moving a lot, then you can see this first-hand on a 4D ultrasound. You can see the thumb sucking, facial expressions, and even get an idea of how much hair is on that little head.

Leftie or Righty - The Revelations of the 4D Ultrasound

A 4D ultrasound can pick up a lot of information, but did you know that whether your child is left-handed or right-handed is usually determined while in the womb?

Approximately 90% of us are right-handed, which means 10% are left-handed. Thanks to ultrasound, we have seen babies sucking their thumbs in the womb. Amazingly, 10% of babies in the womb prefer their left thumb and 90% of them prefer their right!

While elective ultrasounds like a 4D ultrasound aren’t performed until later, it has been observed at as early as 10 weeks gestation that a baby has a preference. This is the time when they start making independent arm movements. It has been observed that 90% of babies move their right arm more and 10% of babies move their left arm more. This is right in-tune with the percentages of us that are right- and left-handed.

So, if you are wondering whether your baby will be right-handed or left-handed, pay close attention to their movements during the ultrasound. If your baby sucks their left thumb or right thumb, that could be a good indicator of whether you have a lefty or righty. The same goes for which arm they prefer to move.

How to Prepare for Your 4D Ultrasound

You’ve either made your appointment or you are getting ready to and you’re wondering what you need to do to prepare for this special meeting with your baby.

Well, you’re in luck because we are going to tell you how to prepare for your 4D ultrasound.

Making a 4d Ultrasound Appointment

When you make the appointment, schedule it for a time of day when the baby is most active. When your baby is awake and moving during the ultrasound, it makes the experience a lot more interesting. You will have a better chance of seeing those adorable facial expressions, eyes opening, and maybe even some smiles. If you don’t know the gender but want to know, it’s also more likely baby will put his or her hands or feet down if the view is being blocked.

Tips Leading Up to Your 4D Appointment

Some additional tips to help you include:

  1. Drink plenty of water the week leading up to the appointment.

    The more hydrated you are, the more fluid there will be in the amniotic sack. This also helps with image clarity.

  2. Eat or drink something containing sugar before the appointment.

    If you are a gestational diabetic, this isn’t recommended. If you don’t have gestational diabetes, go ahead because this will help the baby be more active during the ultrasound.

  3. Wear pants, not a dress to your appointment

    This is a trans-abdominal ultrasound, which means it is done over the stomach. If you wear a dress, it will have to be pulled all the way up, exposing your bottom. If you do wear a dress, we can give you a blanket.

  4. Empty your bladder before the appointment

    A full bladder can take up room and that can affect the images of the baby. You want to free up as much room as possible, so go to the bathroom and completely empty your bladder. This will also make you more comfortable during the 4D ultrasound process.

  5. Bring any information regarding your prenatal care

    It’s good to have this information handy.

  6. Invite your friends and family

    This is an exciting time, so your significant other, children, parents, and others you care about might want to share in the joy.

This is an incredibly exciting time and one that should be made special. At My Baby You’ll Be 4D, we help you make the moment a memorable one for you and anyone that you invite.

Contact My Baby You’ll Be 4D today!

We serve Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia moms that want to meet their babies in this revolutionary way. Go ahead and book your appointment today and let us help you make memories.

How to Get the Best Ultrasound Images

You most likely already fallen in love with the 2D or 3D ultrasound photos that you have. However, you’ve probably seen 4D images in your social media feeds for moms that have gotten elective ultrasounds to get better views of their babies. You’re seeing these images because they are getting more and more popular due to moms wanting to see their babies’ faces before they are born.

These 4D images and videos that you see make the experience much more lifelike than they ever were before.

But before you jump into an elective 4D ultrasound, know that no two moms and no two wombs are created the same. There are several factors that influence the clarity of the images. Knowing these factors will make an enjoyable experience even better.

Placenta Location

The placenta is the organ that develops inside the uterus that provides the baby with nutrients and oxygen. It attaches to the uterine wall in the front or back. If it is attached in the front, it will be over top of the baby’s face, which can make it more difficult to get a clear image. This makes 28-34 weeks the best time to get a 4D ultrasound. Baby isn’t yet squished into the placenta.

If your placenta is attached to the back, it will be under the baby. This means it’s OK to get a 4D ultrasound between 34 and 38 weeks.

The Amount of Amniotic Fluid

The more fluid a mom has in the amniotic sack, the clearer the 4D images will be. High fluid levels are important if the placenta is attached to the front. This is because fluid must be present between the placenta and the baby’s face to get a clear image. Drink approximately 65 to 80 ounces of water each day, every day, of the week leading up to your 4D ultrasound appointment.

Baby’s Position

It’s best for the baby to be head down, which is the position the baby is in, or should be in, before you go into labor. The best images are gotten this way. When the baby’s face is pointing up toward your stomach, it’s easier to see their face. When baby is looking toward the spine, it’s impossible to get images of the face. If the baby is breach, it is hard to get good images, especially with a placenta attached to the front of the uterus.

The Equipment

It’s important that the equipment is good imaging equipment. If a facility has aging equipment, you aren’t going to get the best images.

Sonographer Experience

It’s not easy to learn how to do a good ultrasound. Sonographers go through extensive professional training with several years of hands-on practice so they can do what they do. The tech should also know ways to get baby into the right position so you can have the best images possible. At My Baby You’ll Be 4D, we have the experience and skill to get the best images.

Other Factors That Influence 4D Ultrasounds

There are additional factors that affect image quality, such as umbilical cord location, the mother’s body fat content, and the position of the baby’s hands and feet.

However, we are dedicated to making sure we provide the best imaging for all clients. Contact us today to book your appointment.